My wife and I have spent many years blustering with outrage at the numerous instances of monkeys being confused with apes -- in film, television, advertising, and by ignorant friends and family members. We finally decided to direct our anger in a constructive direction, and created a blog that would serve to point out the numerous instances of this fallacy. We fully expect that as a result, major media organizations will be shamed into using proper primate terminology.
Most often, it is the noble chimpanzee who suffers this indignity, but the gorilla and even the orangutan are not immune.
Apes are not monkeys. Every time you mix them up, a baby chimp cries.
Mindfulness: New age craze or science-backed solution?
- Mindfulness has become a billion-dollar industry.
- Research shows mindfulness can be an effective wellness practice, yet the
effect sizes found in stud...
3 years ago
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