Friday, November 13, 2009

The Onion: A Normally Reliable News Source Insults Chimpanzees

It makes me a little sad that the first organization I have to call out is The Onion, which is a news source I have enjoyed for many years. Their usually reliable news reporting fell flat, however, when they reported on a cut in funding to the Super Monkey Collider:

Shown in the photo at the top of the article are two chimps relaxing on lab equipment.

To be fair, this may be an error on the part of the photographer; it's not inconceivable that the chimps wandered into the shot while he was photographing the lab equipment. However, it clearly falls upon the Onion editorial staff to catch errors like this.

It's also worth noting that this is a rather old story (yes, we have a LONG laundry list of offenses to go through now that this blog is finally underway) and the Onion has taken care to be a little more accurate in recent years. (See, for example, this more recent piece on the effects of multiple stab wounds on monkeys, which clearly shows macaques.)

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